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Microservices, also known as the Microservice Architecture Pattern, is a way to build complex applications out of many self-contained services. It often sits at the opposite end of the spectrum from the Monolithic Architecture Pattern, where the application lives entirely in a single service. There is nothing wrong with following either pattern, but this guide focuses on microservices for two main reasons:

  1. You are able to leverage existing home automation microservices that have been released as open source.
  2. It breaks your project down into friendly weekend sized pieces.

Most IoT-FS projects are neither pure microservices or pure monolithic. You will have some small and focused services, and others that end up growing beyond their original scope in significant ways. Do not fear this possibility, but rather accept it as the invevitable result of healthy growth. It will gives you an opportunities to identify when it's time to split a service up, or to combine two services that do that very similar things.

Working through those challenges will make you a better engineer.